Woodland Shoot, Cirencester Park | Sibling Love...

These two are mine. They make me very proud day in day out. Both of them are as cheeky as the other and we don't take life too seriously... I don't take enough photos of them. Mainly because being mum is important to me and I LOVE to have a work life balance. But sometimes (really only sometimes!) they let me bring my camera along and we have fun.

For me photography isn't let's stand and smile at the camera. It's about the moment. I make them play games, tell each other jokes and play knock knock. These few photos sum my two up perfectly! I'm absolutely loving this Autumn weather, colours, warmth and happiness!

If you or your family want to come play in the woods with me and create some fun and loving photography to hang around your house, get in touch soon!


 -one hour shoot & online gallery | £50

-one hour shoot with 20 images on CD | £125

-one hour shoot with 40+ images on USB | £225

Enjoy <3


The H Family | Gorgeous Autumn Shoot in Cirencester Park


Newborn Photography | Baby H, Six Weeks New